90 Years of Pittsburgh Aviation

By Julie Bercik

Published June 16, 2023

Read Time: 4 mins


Working as a communicator and videographer for the Allegheny County Airport Authority, my job takes me into every corner of Pittsburgh International and Allegheny County airports.

I love spending time at the County Airport. I remember coming to the airport as child with my pap to watch the planes take off and land. Who would have known that little girl would work for the airport one day.

On a recent visit to research a story, the staff greeted me with a big red container full of pictures, newspaper clippings and other archival materials dating back decades.

Sifting through the documents, I was taken back in time, from construction of the municipal (now county) airport in the 1920s to the Greater Pittsburgh Airport in the ‘40s and Pittsburgh International in the late ‘80s and ‘90s. And, of course, we’re now documenting the rise of PIT’s modern terminal, scheduled to open in 2025.

These photos offer a glimpse of aviation history in Pittsburgh. I hope you enjoy the trip back in time as much as I did!