Beyond the Numbers: Proud to Be a Part of the New PIT Terminal
WATCH: Workers reflect on bringing the airport’s new terminal to life
By Oscar Rzodkiewicz
Published August 29, 2024
Read Time: 2 mins
All told, the new Pittsburgh International Airport has contributed more than 14,000 direct and indirect jobs to the Western Pennsylvania region.
But for crews that have been working to build the new terminal, the story is about more than just the numbers.
“The airport is going to make a lot of people’s careers,” said Alex Fulton, training coordinator at the Carpenters’ Training Center in the region. “People are going to get noticed doing the work that they’re doing there, and they’re going to get the opportunity to become a foreman or become a superintendent,” Fulton said.
“There’s just so much opportunity for career advancement.”
Allegheny County Airport Authority leaders sought to create a project of choice—a job site that drew workers who wanted to be a part of it.
“It’s just awesome to be part of a job of this size,” said Logan Mulholland, a foreman with Rycon Construction and Local Union No. 274.
When the new airport opens next year, thousands of workers will bring their friends and families to the new PIT and get to tell them they had a hand in bringing the building to life.
For many on the project, it’s not the first time they or their families have worked at the airport.
“Sometimes they’re third- or fourth-generation tradesmen in the area. Their fathers and mothers worked on the previous airport,” said Rob Bramblett, project executive with PJ Dick/Hunt.
“That sense of pride in the area definitely comes through.”