British Airways Crew Picks PIT Among Favorite Airports

New terminal will depict the beauty of the region, a city on the rise

By Gina Mastrangelo

Published May 6, 2024

Read Time: 3 mins


From championing their record-breaking sports teams to promising that fries do belong on salads, Pittsburgh pride runs rampant in the Steel City, but recent news proves that love for the city (and its airport) extends beyond its three rivers – even reaching across the pond.

British Airways cabin crews recently named Pittsburgh International Airport one of their favorite airports in the world. The Daily Express released its list in their March issue, where PIT was recognized alongside Changi Airport and Kempegowda, Vancouver, Denver and Tampa International Airports.

“We really like Pittsburgh passengers,” said Diána Galambos, a BA flight attendant of almost six years. “When we see Pittsburgh on our roster, we kind of expect that it’s going to be an easy flight because passengers are nice, friendly and polite.”

Flight attendants for BA have seen their fair share of PIT since the airline started flying nonstop to Pittsburgh in 2019. Flights were suspended during the pandemic and then resumed in 2022, but now the crew can expect to visit Pittsburgh even more. British Airways recently increased service from four days a week to six at PIT.

The BA crew cited Arch, PIT’s gargantuan yellow statue on the