Part 1: How PIT Survived the Pandemic

The inside story of how Pittsburgh International Airport weathered the most devastating year in aviation history

By BlueSkyStaff

Published January 17, 2021

Read Time: 7 mins


How PIT Survived the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 approached the United States like a gathering storm. A few dark clouds on the horizon, followed by reports of isolated showers and then, seemingly all at once, the sky fell in. The devastation was swift and widespread, but no economic sector short of health care may have felt the shock more than aviation. On pace in February to set yet another record year of commercial air travel, in March the industry came close to collapse.

Airlines were the most visible emblem of the pandemic’s reach, as carriers grounded planes and passenger bookings evaporated. Almost immediately, airlines began trimming their budgets, canceling flights and contemplating layoffs, all in an effort to stay solvent.

Airports had no such recourse. As part of the nation’s critical infrastructure, they had to stay open and fully operational for cargo, military operations and the few passengers that still needed to fly.

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“We knew we needed to stay open no matter what – and that meant keeping our own teams safe and healthy so we could take care of everyone who had to travel – so we could remain open for cargo and our military,” Allegheny County Airport Authority CEO Christina Cassotis said. “I remember April 2010 when the Icelandic volcano caused the shutdown of many of Europe’s airports for six days in 2010. That was a wake-up call for some about the importance of airports – no matter how small or how local – and the important role airports play in people’s daily lives. And that was before a pandemic.”

This is the story of how one airport—Pittsburgh International—absorbed the pandemic’s blows and condensed years’ worth of planning into a few weeks to enact health and safety measures to protect passengers and staff, all the while preparing for the day when business and leisure travelers would once again take to the skies.

Photographs by Beth Hollerich | Video by Natalie Fiorilli and Beth Hollerich

Part 1: Buckle Up

On Dec. 1, 2019, the end of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, more than 2.8 million travelers passed through security checkpoints nationwide, according to the Transportation Security Administration, the busiest day ever in the 18-year history of the agency.

That capped off a year in which U.S. airlines carried 925.5 million passengers—the most since 2003, according to the federal Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Annual passenger totals had risen steadily for years and everyone expected the trend to continue in 2020.

February 2020 – PIT passenger volume: 677,252

Then COVID-19 changed the world and, in the last two weeks of March, commercial air traffic came to a virtual halt.

On Feb. 3, with fewer than a dozen cases of COVID-19 in the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security requires travelers from China to enter the country via one of 11 designated airports and imposes a 14-day travel ban on all visitors from China, where the virus originated and had already killed 360 people.

With no direct flights from China, Pittsburgh International is not one of the restricted airports. But PIT officials, like their counterparts across the country, had already started planning to combat the virus and brace for what might happen next.

On Feb. 20, the International Air Transport Association estimates that COVID-19’s dampening effect on passenger demand would result in a nearly $30 billion loss for carriers worldwide, with the bulk of the damage hitting airlines operating in the Asia Pacific region.

Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s director general and CEO, predicted that global traffic would drop nearly 5 percent as a direct result of the virus.

Soon after, the PIT team creates its own forecast scenarios with the best case being a 30 percent decrease in annual traffic and a worst case at a 70 percent drop. These forecast scenarios are critical for financial modeling and to see where costs can be delayed, deferred and cut.

By the end of the year, revenue losses for airlines worldwide would total $115 billion and passenger traffic would fall by almost 60 percent.

A robust internal response

March 6, 2020: 423 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. (10 in Pennsylvania) and 19 deaths

The airport introduces new safety policies for staff, including mask wearing and social distancing, and increases sick time availability for anyone who becomes ill. Officials roll out a voluntary furlough program for employees who are uncomfortable coming to work and those with demanding family situations, such as young children. The airport’s first early retirement program follows. Certain job duties are changed to allow on-site staff to be able to work in socially-distant manners. Plexiglass barriers are installed for customer service reps, one person per vehicle rules instated for airfield and facilities maintenance workers and electricians working in close quarters had job changes. 

The Authority develops a robust internal communications protocol to provide employees updates on COVID-19, the off