Photos of the Week: A Jaunt Across the Pond
Transoceanic travel on Dreamliner a far cry from days of sailing ships
By BlueSkyStaff
Published September 26, 2022
Read Time: 2 mins
Transatlantic travel has come a long way.
In the 300 years after Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic in search of a passage to the Far East, sailing ships made the arduous journey between Europe and North America, carrying hundreds of travelers and their belongings. The ships would take weeks to get to their destinations, with weather and illness making the trip long and dangerous.
The advent of steamships in the 19th and early 20th centuries reduced the duration of a trip across the Atlantic to about a week or two. But it would be airplanes that would change the game.
While the first passenger aircraft required multiple stops to cross the Atlantic and took a few days to reach cities, aviation technology advanced rapidly. Today, modern passenger jets connect Europe and North America in mere hours while offering travelers high-end flatbed suites, in-flight Wi-Fi connectivity and personal entertainment screens in every seat.
But one thing hasn’t changed: the traveler’s anticipation of the journey ahead.
We like to imagine the anticipation Todd Wilson and fellow passengers experienced boarding a British Airways 787-8 Dreamliner at London Heathrow Airport bound for Pittsburgh International Airport.
A bonus? Airstair boarding for a widebody jet. While rare in the U.S., airstair boarding is more common at European airports, such as London Heathrow, where gate space is tight. To the delight of aviation enthusiasts, there is nothing like getting up close to the huge aircraft that’s about to take you on a journey.
Between London and Pittsburgh, the British Airways Dreamliner completes the cross in a mere seven hours, flying above any weather that would have been a threat to primitive sailing ships centuries ago.
To cap it off, Todd provides us another view from the air of the BA Dreamliner parked at PIT’s gate C59, being prepped for the return trip back to London Heathrow.
Thanks for sharing, Todd!
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A view from above of PIT’s Airside Terminal featuring a British Airways 787 Dreamliner parked on Concourse C. (Photo submitted by Todd Wilson)