Photos of the Week: Like Day and Night
By BlueSkyStaff
Published July 24, 2023
Read Time: 2 mins
Airlines are 24/7, which means you have the chance to see planes lit up at night or experience what daylight is like above the clouds. Our photos this week do just that.
Our first submission comes from Demond Gowler, who captured this nighttime shot of a plane getting ready for takeoff on the ramp here at PIT.
This British Airways Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner is unique because it’s designed for fuel-efficiency. When in the air, you might notice its wings bending and flexing more than a usual plane’s might. But don’t panic; it’s part of the plane’s design. The wings bend so passengers can have the smoothest flight possible.
The glowing light on top of the plane tells us that it’s soon to be air bound. We hope its passengers enjoyed their nighttime journey across the pond!
For our second photo, we fast-forward to the daytime. It may be the middle of summer here in Pittsburgh, but on the other side of the world, it’s a winter wonderland.
If you find yourself traveling to the Southern Hemisphere, make sure you look out the window. You might just see a snow-covered mountain top, like our reader Laura Woodside did.
Woodside captured this photo of an Air New Zealand plane approaching Queenstown on the South Island. She snapped the photo just as the clouds opened to provide a stunning view of the frozen Southern Alps.
Thanks for sharing, Demond and Laura!
Our readers continue to pass along shots of unique aircraft, international airports, historical events, gorgeous views and even family vacation photos for this feature. We love them! Keep them coming—you can click here for submission guidelines.

An Air New Zealand flight overflies snowy mountains while approaching Queenstown, New Zealand. (Photo submitted by Laura Woodside)
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