Photos of the Week: WWII P-51 Mustang Part of Pa. Airshow
From wartime to sunsets, aviation can inspire crowds
By BlueSkyStaff
Published June 13, 2022
Read Time: 2 mins
Photos from wartimes past often offer a glimpse of the technology that helped to propel nations to victory.
Perhaps nowhere is the passage of time noted more visually than in aviation.
For the past 31 years, the Mid Atlantic Air Museum has put on a World War II weekend in Reading, Pa., that includes more than 1,700 military and civilian re-enactors and of course, air shows with wartime aircraft.
Ethan Minnich snapped this photo of the iconic P-51 Mustang fighter as part of the air show.
According to the National WWII Museum, “the long-range P-51 Mustang fighter was invaluable to the Allied victory, enabling resumption of strategic bombing after heavy losses suffered by unescorted bombers in 1943. Developed for export to Britain, models modified by the British to use Rolls Royce Merlin engines became America’s most capable wartime fighters.”
Other times, aviation can simply show us a calming image.
In this case, Demond Gowder captured PIT’s silhouetted air traffic control tower at sunset. The fabulous backdrop invokes the gentle essence of aviation.
Thanks, Ethan and Demond!
Our readers continue to pass along shots of unique aircraft, international airports, historical events, gorgeous views and even family vacation photos for this feature. We love them! Keep them coming—you can click here for submission guidelines.

Pittsburgh International Airport’s control tower stands in front of an early morning sunrise. (Photo submitted by Demond Gowder)
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