Show Us Your Blue Sky For a Chance at Valuable Prizes
Photography contest challenges readers to give us their best shots of cerulean vistas
By BlueSkyStaff
Published July 1, 2019
Read Time: < 1 min
As the Fourth of July holiday approaches, we hope you’re enjoying your summer, and nothing says “summer” like Blue Sky.
Er, blue skies.
With that in mind, we want to know what those blue skies look like by you – are they a deep azure throwing a mountain ridge into sharp focus? Are they a whimsical cyan threaded with feathery clouds over a lake?
Whatever they may be, we’re offering a prize for the Blue Sky reader with the best photo of a blue sky. Doesn’t matter where it was taken, doesn’t matter if something else is in the photo – enter it into our contest and see if you win.
What makes something the best photo, you ask? And what could you win? Click here to go to our contest page with all of those details and more, including the submission form and official rules.
We appreciate you looking at our Blue Sky every week, and we can’t wait to see what your blue sky looks like.
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