Photos of the Week: Getting the Green Light
Looking at a special guest at PIT, and a nation famed for its hospitality
By BlueSkyStaff
Published March 15, 2021
Read Time: < 1 min
Sustainability and environmental responsibility have been a growing focus at Pittsburgh International and Allegheny County airports in recent years, from a groundbreaking microgrid to a grassroots apiary program.
Many of our airline partners champion environmental initiatives, including Frontier Airlines. The 100th plane in the ultra-low cost carrier’s fleet honors Chinook, a female wolf-dog hybrid rescued in Colorado in 1993 that has become a symbol of conservation and awareness efforts for her species. Casper Wood caught a glimpse of this special aircraft at PIT.
And sometimes you can take “going green” literally, like our Customer Service Representative Laura Richardson did several years ago. On a Christmas trip across the pond, she captured a brilliant view of the Emerald Isle, and there’s no better time for a photo of Ireland than St. Patrick’s Day.
Thanks, Casper and Laura!
Our readers continue to pass along shots of unique aircraft, international airports, historical events, gorgeous views and even family vacation photos for this feature. We love them! Keep them coming—you can click here for submission guidelines.