Photos of the Week: Serious Elevation
Views from the clouds come standard with air travel
By BlueSkyStaff
Published April 19, 2021
Read Time: < 1 min
Unless you’ve got a job with NASA, it’s rather difficult to get a photo from 30,000 feet in the air without being in an airplane.
That’s why window seats are the best seats outside the cockpit on any flight. Sure, you can close the shade to grab some shuteye. But you can also peer out and gain a unique perspective of the world, available to you for only a few hours at a time.
If you’re lucky, you’ll get an incredible view like Mike Henderson had as his flight approached Zurich, Switzerland. Is it the clouds that make it so gorgeous? Is it the Alps? Is it the sun breaking through? The answer is “all of the above.”
And while no one will mistake Western Pennsylvania for the Swiss Alps, we are proud of our hilly home (and we do have Mt. Washington). The clouds shadowing the Steel City lend Bill Stout’s photo a surreal quality that we love.
Thanks, Mike and Bill!
Our readers continue to pass along shots of unique aircraft, international airports, historical events, gorgeous views and even family vacation photos for this feature. We love them! Keep them coming—you can click here for submission guidelines.

An aerial view of the city of Pittsburgh. (Photo submitted by Bill Stout)
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